1 Home of Ship 912
Sea Scouts Ship 912
COED program of Boy Scouts of America
Ship 912 provides unique sailing programs for all participants of the program inside the Tampa Bay Area or even outside the Bay Area.
Ship 912 also provides an excellent Motor Boating program that consists of enjoying the seas but also how they operate all the way down to the nuts and bolts of an engine.
Ship 912 Also provides one of the best programs in the Tampa Bay area in advancements of the Sea Scout Program. This includes Six Quartermasters (Highest award in Sea Scouts) in the Sea Scout Program, which one is the first of West Central Florida Council and another being the first of Greater Tampa Bay Area Council!
Motor Boating
And More
Our Program

Cats Point Regatta 2023

 Step aboard ssr Cats Point, with 2023 being the 16th arrival of these fun-filled teenaged youth scouting activities.  As always, beginning on the first Friday in November, this year’s regatta makes port from 03 to 05 NOV 2023, which registration was sent out to all by email and by mail. If you have not please contact the website admin so we can deliver that to you as soon as possible.

Apollo Beach Regatta 2024

 Step aboard ssr Apollo Beach Regatta with 2024 being the 35th arrival of these fun-filled teenaged youth scouting activities.  As always in April, next year April 26th - 28th. Members of the Ship will receive an email on the event of the details of the Regatta.
Upcoming Huge Events
Dr. Bob Kropp
Skipper Mate of Program of Ship 912
Serves as the adult leader for the Boatswain Mate of Program by advising and coaching the Boatswain Mate of Program as they do their duties for the ship.
Dr. Bob Kropp also servers as the adult leader for long cruises.
Bruce A. Rodgers, P.G.
Skipper of Ship 912
Serve as the key adult leader of a Sea Scout ship.
Give direction to the ship program by advising and coaching the officers as
they plan, organize, and conduct the meetings and activities
of the ship.
Michael McBride
Skipper Mate of Administration of Ship 912
Serves as the adult leader for the Boatswain Mate of Administration by advising and coaching the Boatswain Mate of Administration as they do their duties for the ship.
Meet the Skippers
Louis E. McBride
Skipper Mate of Technology and Partners of Ship 912
Serves as the adult leader for the Media Specialist by advising and coaching the Media Specialist as they do their duties for the ship.
Also servers as adult leader for gathering partners for the Ship.
Bob Hargrove
Skipper Mate of Treasury who is responsible for tracking income and expenditures of the ship, set up a yearly budget, and yearly expenditures.

Bill Moore
Skipper Mate of Storekeeper who is responsible of arranging equipment maintenance, Track the coming and going of ship equipment and Keep an inventory of equipment.
You'll Never Forget the Year You Join Sea Scouts!